BroncoMiel Syrup 8 Oz – Jarabe Con Miel


El jarabe con miel o eucalipto mezclado ayuda a aliviar la tos debido a resfriados y alergias, tiene un efecto calmante con un sabor dulce.

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You can get the syrup with honey or eucalyptus mixed in giving you different benefits based on what kind of syrup you purchase. This is a syrup that helps in relieving coughs due to colds and allergies. The syrup mixed with honey has a soothing effect with a sweet taste, can help open the airway so that you can breathe easier. The syrup helps to loosen mucus in the chest making it easier to expel anything that is built up in the chest area. Herbal extracts are also included in the syrup aside from the honey and eucalyptus.


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